Sales & E-commerce
An always-on, friendly shopping assistant, salesperson, and support rep in a mobile-friendly chat interface. The chatbot leads the entire sales experience through a naturally flowing conversation.

Interactive Shopping Assistant
A chatbot is a simple, intuitive interface for complex e-commerce capabilities. It understands complex natural language queries and offers select products from the shop catalog. It offers alternatives and variations based on real-time inventory data from your operational systems.
Your automated salesperson
Increase conversion rates and deal size. By applying your sales goals and policy into the conversation flow, the chatbot suggests complementary products based on current and past purchases and offers promotions and discounts where relevant.

A natural shopping experience
Improve user satisfaction, reduce churn and abandoned carts. During shopping, the chatbot can seamlessly answer common FAQ questions and handle order status and delivery status queries, all without interrupting the sales flow and without losing the customer.
It’s always good to be remembered
Increase repeat buying and recurring sales. Your automated salesperson suggests repeat and recurring purchases based on purchase history and can streamline the repeat buying process by applying intelligent defaults from past purchases (preferences, sizes, addresses, etc.).